Friday, January 01, 2010

The 'New Year' is a huge marketing ploy! But Happy 2010 nonetheless =)

goodbye 2009, welcome 2010...a new year, a new decade..although, i think celebration of 'a new decade' is pretty pointless as we dont keep track of decades the way we keep track of centuries or years, or months, or days...i mean, hear terms like 'the 202nd decade' often?

well, i will be very frank in my reflection and say that 2009 had not been anywhere near being listed as 'one of my best years'..its been a frustrating year in terms of career, its been downhill in terms of social life, its been stagnant for pretty much everything else..

i miss having time to enjoy life..i miss the feeling of being inspired and passionate about work like how i was during my uni days..i miss being around good friends..i dont know what's wrong with my life, but my gut feeling is its got a lot to do with work..but that's just a wild guess..erm, ok, educated guess..

hmm..not that the past year hadn't had its ups.. it certainly have provided some memorable occasions, some great new friends, a new house worthy of being called home, and a healthier bank balance..but the bigger picture - the macro view of it all is, i havent really been happy...

thus, i am ending 2009 in a low note...i am looking forward to 2010 and i am gonna do something i dont usually do -> have resolutions for the new year...firstly, i think it's lame that we need something like a 'new year' to be setting goals for ourselves...time is continuous and 'years' are but discrete dummy variables, and its funny that so much of our life is shaped around the structure provided by this one extreme, i'd even say 'the new year' is a huge marketing ploy!haha!

yea well..but this year would be an exception...once in awhile, i'd welcome a chance to categorically put something behind me (like a bad 'year') and feel like a chance is given to set things someone just saying to me, "hey sunny, here's a new set of 365 days...screw the last 365 days"...

my new year's resolutions are:

1) to watch all Man Utd games - because they make me feel alive..
2) to save more & and build on my personal investments - because...err, use your imagination..
3) to do something about not being happy about work .. be it a change of job or a change of heart...

wish me luck, especially with the last one...

anyways, thanks to all who have provided my otherwise dull and gloomy 2009 portrait with splashes of colours...may the next 365 days be a generally good one for all =)

1 comment:

Gg said...

wishing u to love your work more and me, double triple more! ;)