For the past month, I've been doing so many new things and have gained very useful experiences...working as an 'office boy' - to simply put it, had provided me many many meaningful things: something to spend my holiday time on, knowledge i wont get from uni, money i need to buy my plane ticket back to msia and some other essentials ...
How's a working day for me?
Wake up early - iron clothes - take the bus before 8a.m. down to the city - arrive at QVB - buy sushi for quick snack/breakfast - get into office (near Grace Hotel) at 9a.m. - talk to kak wati about things to be done - set the tasks i want/have to achieve for the day - work work work with intervals of breaks (make coffee, grab some snacks from the office pantry, chat online) - lunch n break for 1 hour - work work work - finish work at 5p.m. - either lepak a bit or straight to QVB to catch the bus back to macquarie - reach home by near 7p.m. - rest rest rest rest rest - sleep early... zzzz....
The after office hour rush
So....what kinda work have i done this past month?
Well, I issue cheques for payments and handle all the necessary documentations for each single transaction. Believe me, the process of making a payment is reaaaaaaly tedious (especially for government agencies)....
So is this considered as promotion or advertising?
you have an invoice with all necessary attachments, then you have to fill a voucher form for that invoice with information that can be very tricky and time consuming, write the cheque, stamp various official stamps on the invoice and voucher, get them signed by the bosses, make a letter for each receipient, copy the letter and cheque for record, and mail the cheque plus ori letter to receipient (which involves preparing envelope)...
at the end of the month, i made a summary of all those invoices paid, counter checked it with the bank statement to identify cleared and unpresented cheques....and made a bank reconciliation to ensure the summary money balance reconciles to the balance as per bank statement...
My month long work and desk
plus, the ever so leceh process of making a whole copy set of all the vouchers, invoices, attachments, for the office's record, while the original set is sent to HQ at KL. leceh as all this may seem, now i look back at it, it was really an interesting process to experience...
Sungguh tekun posing nampaknya...
hmm...i also attend the front desk, meaning: i answer phone calls and direct them or attend to the caller's request, and i entertain the customers that come in for information on various things, from cost of taxi from batu feringghi to georgetown, to what's there to do in selangor (this is reaaaaaaaaaly difficult for me to answer...conflict of interest u, selangor?nahhh)
" no...we don't sell DVD 9s here.."
it really is a great practice for communication skills...and it gives me great satisfaction when i am able to solve an enquiry and help the tourists with their trip...another important thing is that its also great to practice the high level of customer service that's expected in a country like australia...its the kind of culture malaysian service sector has to embrace...
"well, in can go...err...sight seeing.."
aside from my main jobs as described above, i do letter typings, photocopyings, help out staffs with what they need, update website, install printers, analyse datas, bank in know, all those kinda things...
Well.....Thank you very the very much to kak wati who helped me with the many things that i didnt know and for helping me adapt....thanks to uncle nanang n cik rosnah who really look after me and always ask me to take a break or grab some snacks or coffee from the pantry, thanks guys - i've taken my break...hehe...thanks zek for the company during working and off working hours...thank you to anne, wendy, and balljid for the belanja, the advices, the assistance in handling customers...thank you mr shahrin for giving me the opportunity to work at tourism and the many things i learnt from you...korang suma mantap ah!
Hence, i close yet another exciting chapter of my life...I leave for Malaysia on Saturday 20th January, 4pm flight to KLIA from Sydney...this has been a meaning ful summer holiday - one that i'm glad of how i spent it...
Uncle Nanang and Me