Monday, March 26, 2007

weeeiirrrdddd sheeeeeeetttt maaannnnn~

halo boys and girls...

miss fatin tagged me, and i have to list down 6 weird things about here goes...

Enam Perkara Pelik Mengenai Sunny!!

1- I generalize a lot. Most of times, I don't really bother much about the categorization...for example...people can have this coffee that coffee, this tea that tea...heck...they all coffee or tea to me...I think its lebey la all the types or whatever (and this relates to point number 2)...and vegetables...all of the same colour are the same (and i used to work in a salad bar..wtfbbq)...

2- My tastebuds are replication of my generalization nature. ie, they dont really work. I can't tell if the food tastes good or me there are 3 categories...VERY BAD...VERY GOOD...and everything else falls in of the time i am happy with whatever presented to me..., throw me any pizza, they all are ok and taste good...sometimes my friends say the food (e.g. nasi lemak) at restaurant X is good, Y is bad...blabla...but they all taste the same ok, i'm not too awed when i hear some place have really good food...coz it all tastes good to me (very rare to find very bad or very good)...ambience and company is what matters =)

3- I play Pro Evolution Soccer's (the football game on my laptop) managerial mode from year 2006 - 2028 (and counting).To those who understand the nature of the game, you might go "WTFBBQ"...but here's to those who dont...

managerial mode requires you to play a team in a full season...which is about 40 to 50 games all together per season...then do negotiations/buy-sell players, and move to the next year...and so on and so on...

now, a game is approx 20 minutes...i have played (since last year) 22 seasons (season 2006 - season 2028 currently)...22 x 45 is how many games...and to think ive lasted 22 years using only 1 team (MAN UTD ROCKS!)...and not get bored...hehehe...i dont know many players who play the way i do...

4- I love to page myself at shopping centres in malaysia. you know, those paging calls that go like "paging for mr xxx, paging for mr xxx, please come to the info counter blablabla"

its a fav past-time of mine when i hang out with friends back in the school days...we all would go to the info counter, and with full composure, i would ask for the info ppl to page my name...and then pretend to wait...then lose patience...and say thanks and chow...

its super fun ok...and its a good practice to help maintain composure in any situation...and i guess thats where i practice my bluffing skills (those who know me knows bluffing is my talent) =P

5- I love to give anologies..but azan says the weird shit is that I love to give statistical anologies...or i love to explain things in a statistical perspective...

like, a situation can be a statistical model...which has a distribution...with parameters...and behavior is defined by the distribution....for sleep time is a normally distributed random variable, with mean 12 midnight and standard deviation 1 hour...

i dont know why...maybe i am just practising what i learn...maybe i am a stats freak (but i suck in stats alrite)...ah well...azan sez its weird, hence, this is on my list...

6 - cik gg sez i drink vigorously...err...i only realized it i was voice-chatting online...and tried to quietly drink something...then she said "minum ekk??" ... then she explained that she had always noticed that i drink rather vigorously, much like what im drinking is not liquid, but solid...then i tried drinking slowly...but still the sound...

she said i make very loud sound when the drink goes down my 'kruk krak'...or something like that...ah welll...she sez its least i dont touch my food to my chin before putting them into my mouth (robert from everybody loves raymond)... i guess those are the 6 weird things about me...i have no idea if they really are weird...but...what the heck =P

I tag: Zek, Gedik Queens, Faisal, Dirah....and Azan (this is better than answering helicopter questions yo!)...

Sunday, March 25, 2007

pick-up lines? oh puh-leez...

yo wassap wassap?

who needs clever, witty, pick up lines ... when u can do this:

the message reads:

"Asian Indian attractive lady friend wanted. I am polite, friendly, and $ money supportive $. I wan eazy no problem secret casual friendship, only when u are free.
eazy transport"

yeaa, me and azan saw that poster after we watched bra boys at macquarie centre a few days ago, and was on our way back to my place...totally random's like any normal 'room for rent' notices posted on the lamp post at the side of the street...

i went like..."what the..."

anyway...girls, *wink2*, go for it lah =P (you know you want to)


oh ya, fatin tagged me again...and this time its 6 weird things about me...hehehe...coming soon =)

Saturday, March 24, 2007


haha...don't get me wrong...i'm not mad or angry or just fed up with this song that's stuck in my head...

yes...i like the song very much...but i've been humming to it since...err...last week i guess...

and its not like a new song or fact, its AGES old...its actually a song from the movie Top know, from the scene when Tom Cruise pics up that lady in the bar...remember?


thank you to Azan, whom a few days ago opened up a topic about how we must watch some old school movies...which reminded me of Top Gun, which triggered me to dwld all the top gun of which i am hooked on to now...

dan kini untuk menghentikan lagu ini daripada dimainkan di kepala senantiasa...amik ni lirik lagunya!!!!!

Tittle: You've Lost That Loving Feeling
Artist: Righteous Brothers

You never close your eyes anymore when I kiss your lips.
And there's no tenderness like before in your fingertips.
You're trying hard not to show it, (baby).
But baby, baby I know it...

You've lost that lovin' feeling,Whoa, that lovin' feeling,
You've lost that lovin' feeling,
Now it's gone...gone...gone...wooooooh.

Now there's no welcome look in your eyes when I reach for you.
And now your're starting to critisize little things I do.
It makes me just feel like crying, (baby).
'Cause baby, something in you is dying.

You lost that lovin' feeling,Whoa, that lovin' feeling,
You've lost that lovin' feeling,
Now it's gone...gone...gone...woooooah

Baby, baby, I get down on my knees for you.
If you would only love me like you used to do, yeah.
We had a love...a love...a love you don't find everyday.
So don't...don't...don't...don't let it slip away.

Baby (baby), baby (baby),I beg of you please...
please,I need your love (I need your love), I need your love (I need your love),
So bring it on back (So bring it on back),
Bring it on back (so bring it on back).

Bring back that lovin' feeling,Whoa, that lovin' feeling
Bring back that lovin' feeling,
'Cause it's gone...gone...gone,and I can't go on,noooo...

Bring back that lovin' feeling,Whoa, that lovin' feeling
Bring back that lovin' feeling,
'Cause it's gone...gone...

note: it felt good singing this song at karaoke earlier today actually =)

Monday, March 19, 2007


i've been tagged by cik fatin ... and so here's ...

10 things i've eaten today

Its juz 12 pm, i cudnt possibly have eaten 10 things rite? =P so this will include yesterday =)

1. Ais kosong

2. Prescribed tablets

3. Oven baked crumbed fish

4. French toast

5. Pasta goreng tomyam

6. Smiths chips

7. Viva corn chips

8. Maggi kari pekat

9. Kopi - O

10. Roti + Tuna


Saya tak lah makan banyak sangat sebenarnya (mengagumkan!)... dan saya juga dah beberapa hari x makan nasi! (sungguh malas...tsk3..)


1- Zek : i dont know if u are going to update ur blog at all =P

2. Nisa: kecoh ar suro orang update je..amik ni...

3. Faisal: working man...i dont care dude...

4. Syada: Kini dah xde game arsenal (yg penting)...bolehla buat ye..

5. Tasha: sila sila...kalau x cukup makan (mungkin kerana diet), 3 hari pun boleh...

Akhir kata...
"untuk perjalanan yang lebih lancar, gunakanlah 'Smart Tag' "


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Happy 5th Anniversary =)

To me and cik gg...
Happy 5th anniversary~! 17th March 2007

and here's something for u cik...

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

staying strong...

i'm feeling kinda down rite now...

i look around me...and i think back on my life in sydney for the past 3 years...i can't help but feel sad...all of this might be all over soon...possibly much sooner than anyone might expect...

when i walked along the streets of sydney cbd a few days ago...this was exactly what i felt...those streets that i have walked down so many times now...they are witness to my life here in sydney...the friends i met...the good times i've had...and not to forget, the sorrow moments in life i've experienced...

to think that what will happen to me next, whether i have to say goodbye rather prematurely or not, is just a simple yes/no verdict away, i really find it difficult to handle that kind of pressure...i simply dont know how i am to cope with the unfavourable my feet would dare step back into my own my eyes would dare look at the sad faces of those who love me...

there is only so much pressure that a person can handle...and is it not normal that once in awhile, the pressure mounts to a point that one simply cracks?

i try to be strong...but i don't pretend i'm not weak...some moments, moments like these, i just can't keep being strong for myself...